Black Bottle Pop Dolls for Display

Black bottle pop dolls were on display at a thrift store. The black bottles were prop-up by putting some yarn, moving eyes, red lip and skirt. We happen to pass-by this thrift store which sells this bottle pop dolls in North Caloocan while on a short visit.


Black Bottle Pop Dolls

I do not know if these are made by school children of these are intended as a cheap souvenir items intended for the tourist market. The bottle pop dolls sometimes called bottle doll craft or bottle art dolls were probably made in the 1970’s or early 1980’s. An interesting way to upscale old bottles and giving them another life as display item.

According to a local bottle art doll collector, This can trace as far back as the early 20th century.

These bottle dolls probably came from Japan, South Korea or Southern United States. Bottle doll craft is quite popular in India, Pakistan and Latin American countries as an inexpensive art item or even toy item for children.