Sights and Exhibits at Museo delos Angeles in San Miguel

San Miguel of Archangel Parish had a lot of interesting sights and exhibits. One such place is the former Arzobispado de Manila building. It was last inagurated last August 28,2018.

Museo delos Angeles

The official opening drew hundreds of parishioners, local and foreign tourists.

  imaculate conception statue with mid-20th century baldoza tiles

Arzobispado de Manila

Arzobispado de Manila building

The museum is located at the former Arzobispado building built beside the church. It is when San Miguel church used to be the seat of the archdiocese when Manila Cathedral was destroyed during the war up until when it was re-constructed in 1958.


The building had retained much of its architecture, baldoza tiles, grilled windows, fixture and furniture. The group was warmly accommodated by a group of volunteer parishioners.

Arzobispado de Manila building marker erected February 27, 1954

a chapel with priest vestments and candle holders

exhibit room

life like virgin mary statue

They told us that the museum is not open everyday except during sundays. The parish had a special arrangement to open the museum for the holy week.

virgin mary paintings and marian medals on wooden capiz window panels

This would drum in much needed support in the care and maintenance of the museum. Much of the collection are on loan or owned by the parish.

old map of San Miguel district

medals, scapulars and rosaries on display

Saint Therese of Child Jesus statue and staircase leading to the second floor


our lady of miraculous medal

Our Lady of Miraculous Medal made from contemporary materials in wood and painted in gold accessories ( from Dolphy Quizon).

different marian statues

Different marian statues made from porcelain, wood, metal , plaster of paris, wood, and ivory were on display.

different marian statues ( one of the marian statues was used as props in Maalala Mo Kaya television drama anthology of ABS-CBN channel 2 )

mid-century marian statue inside a wood container with glass panel ( urna)

Saint Vincent de Paul statue inside a wood container with glass panel ( urna)

marian statues made from metal and porcelain

second and third class relics

old marian print (estampitas) with ornamentation framed in glass containers

The museum is well lighted and the exhibit is neatly curated. Most of the religious items on display are from the personal collection of Father Rolando Limjoco CM.

El Arte Cristiano made from Pasta Madera , Spain

The exhibit area is air condition and one can marvel at the different marian statues, images, works of art and relics.

Our Lady of Lourdes grotto

Our Visita Iglesia 2019 is incomplete without visiting the church grotto and stations of the cross.

A visit to the San Miguel church and national shrine is incomplete without a visit to the museum.